January 30, 2010

Tempt or Deal?

Avoiding the first of the trigger Electrons was the easy part. Becoming part of the return current, however, was more of a challenge. While similar to getting past the guarding Eleven to get into this zone, the difficulty comes from avoiding the inbound from above while scanning to intercept a returning Electron from below. In this case, timing is everything.

It is safe to say that the first trigger event was unaffected by my presence. This is good from the standpoint that I have maintained a good position, and learned more about this task. It is bad from the perspective that I am still spinning and orbiting this Twelve in a loosely linked chain of Twelves. Now that I've got the avoidance and observation parts of the task mastered, I can focus on the intercept part of the task.

One lesson that does not need re-enforcement that persistence pays. It is for this reason that repeating phenomena are welcome. You're going to get another opportunity. This is the only way that I've discovered to beat the tyranny of probability, you keep at it until you succeed. Does it matter how many trigger events it took to move on? Maybe. But what is important is that somehow, by luck or guile, I managed to un-spin myself at just the right moment to capture the energy of an upward bound Electron. As I catapulted toward the next Twelve, I had to ponder how long it would be, before that Electron would follow me.

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