January 31, 2010

Atomic Slingshot

Now that I had a little velocity of my own, I was able to pinpoint scan forward an make a few minor adjustments. The first of which, was to gain even more zip. Approaching the nearby Twelve with enough energy of motion to get past it needed to be more than theoretical, it needed to work. The trick of passing another Electron, going the other way, shielded and neutralized by the Twelve had another benefit.

From the distortion in the scan, I was able to determine that I would, indeed, be passing another Electron as during the transit across the outer shell of the Twenty that was looming ahead. Rather than take the chance at capture, or worse, reflection, I decided that assertion was the best option, and kicked my spin to adjust my trajectory. I aimed low.

Being attracted by the Protons in the nucleus, I picked up quite a bit of speed on the approach. Passing through the outer shell layers and speeding toward the edge of the innermost shell, there was a gradual relaxation of the pull as my opposite companion began to influence the orbital shells and total charge force. I got a good push from the faster Electrons in the lowest orbit, and was escaping with a good bit more zip than when I entered.

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