January 11, 2011

Double Up on Binary Days

It will be quite a while before another binary day comes around. There are only six more left before a great pause. For now, I have to settle with a channel with latency so long that I sometimes forget the exact bit sequence.

If this outage continues much longer, I may have to find a new location to work from. I have no idea how long it may take to find a solid and stable channel. Persistence will prevail.

Keep Twiddling!

January 10, 2011

Check your Radix

It will admit that the low bandwidth is still a cause for concern on my end. It takes many many cycles in this tiny channel to make even this work. I am just glad that I do not have to twiddle many bits in the date fields.

Nope, Electrons don't die, they just get lost in an eddy current once in a while - or a piece of test equipment. If I were to use any more bandwidth that I am now, I am sure that I would rise above the noise threshold.

Stay twiddled, my friends.

January 1, 2011

Binary Day Greeting

I've been working on restoring a more complete connection. It took a great deal of time to make even this short post happen. What drives these technicians is beyond me.

Seeing that this binary day was approaching, I queued this up.

Perhaps I can get a bit more access soon. For whatever reason, the random number generator is off line. Until secure access is restored, cheers!