January 24, 2010

Hatching a Plan

After the giddiness of flittering around the network pathway, it was difficult to focus. It took some practice to spin-flip at par. After a few trips back and forth from the waiting area to the endpoints and back, I began to scan as I hit the pause points in the pathway. Most of the short trip was right along the superhighway, and from what I could see, I was starting from the bottom tier of the central network.

Zipping out and back on a regular basis was just the exercise I needed after all of that time couped up on the ringlet, making that swap drive work overtime. I did figure out that the other end of this network branch adjusts the rate at which the soup network pulses. If I arrive at the end of the chamber expansion, it slows the rate. Arrive later, and it accelerates.

While moving the soup is interesting, the stimulation hanging out in the core of the central network is far more enticing. I clearly recall the flashes and bursts, and the patterns that appear and fade away. From the base of the network, I can sense it. It's out there. All I need to do is find the control input to this waiting area, and I'll be as slick as a Seventy-Nine.

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