September 1, 2009


As frightening as a Proton can be, there is still an odd pleasure at seeing a Proton so agitated that it can't manage to hold on to it's electrons. That was not going to happen with these over-massive Eighty-Twos. As they began to slide freely past each other, they began to dip, and eventually, the chain was broken.

Or so I thought.

In that instant, the rest of the cloud that had not crossed the Eighty-Two bridge did manage to knock enough electrons off the separating Eighty-Twos to form a light plasma bridge. At this point, I spin-flipped my way back into the stream and worked my way well into the head of the flow.

I've still got painful memories of the last plasma I saw. Light plasma or full fledged, I really don't care, I just don't think a plasma of any kind is in my best interest right now.

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