September 26, 2009


Plasmas like this might be fun for some. Perhaps later. I'm curious as to what is happening in this state of limited photons. After a short trip back through the One-Eight-One soup and into the nearby edge network, I again took up residence at my favorite observation node.

The flashes have subsided a bit, and the photon detectors are now operating more normally, but there is a cacophony of activity in the compression-relaxation networks. Quite a bit more input than output. The edge detector network return signal is exaggerated, appearing to have higher amplitude on return than on send. Curious, I began to move in that direction, only to end up at the longer branch points once again.

At first, there was a normal clear situation at the long five-way branches. I though the hoop of Seventy-Nines was luxurious? Here was an entire thin sheet of Seventy-Nines! Although oddly shaped, this is a fantastic treat and I jumped right in. Investigating this decadence, on the other side of the sheet, I discovered a beautiful structure of finely interlaced Eight-Fourteen-Eight lattice with a few Eight-Twos strewn within.

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