September 25, 2009


Expectations are funny things. It is when they are not met that new knowledge exposes itself for capture and examination. The shutdown sequence did not continue, and the Photon detectors began to register sharp bursts that echoed with peels of effervescent patterns throughout the network. I also registered very edgy and short compression-relaxation inputs, followed by an odd but soothing pattern.

From my own experience, only agitated protons compare in sharpness. Scanning the edge-network receptors and pulse generators, all seems normal, if not just a little faster than usual. Good for a safe reconnoiter, off I headed down to the longer branch points, only to find myself blocked by an Eight-Fourteen-Eight lattice.

Deciding to try a short edge path, perhaps nearby the photon detectors, would get me near the phenomenon. Surfacing nearby, I re-discovered the Forty-Seven rich structure that I recall upon meeting this gargantuan entity. From there, it was unmistakable. I had to dodge photons that were being kicked off by a series of small plasma explosions, not to mention being pushed on by the large and respectable quantities of Electrons that were blasting away nearby.

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