August 31, 2009


Pushing along this string of Eighty-Twos is much slower than the smaller and faster Twenty-Nines that I started with. The cool thing about the Eighty-Twos is that I can flip around the back-side, and basically flow backward. Neat to see that there is still a strong flow of electrons from the cloud I was in.

Looks like the flow is being slowed. The Eighty-Twos are starting to get agitated and that's when things can get interesting. It seems to take longer for adjacent atoms to get agitated that the Twenty-Nines did, but I was moving much faster then.

Now, I can see that the warmer Eighty-Twos are starting to separate. I'd better exit this orbit and get into the rest of the flow. Those hot Eighty-Twos are making an odd dance as they push away from each other. Not good to go back the way I came, that's for sure.

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