September 17, 2009

Entropy Works

The photon counters worked, such as they are, for a while, and now they are nearly dark. In fact, things are returning to the quietness that I first experienced discovering the central network. Some fist and bursts across traverse the network, but with the photon counters not stimulating the network, there is little reason for the rest to respond.

I began to look at the network structure again, and got knocked off the Eleven that I had been hanging on to. Taken by surprise, it was a set of pulses that looked as if they were from the photon counters, but no. It was on a different set of pathways, and the patterns began to repeat. The rest of the network was responding, but nothing was headed to the edge networks.

I continued to be surprised, as additional activity appeared from unexpected directions. While the photon detectors did become briefly active, the signal was low and spotty. Not too many photons to count. Once inactive again, it was not long before the random patterns began to rock my new little world. For now, I'm looking at the pulses and pulse groups. It seems as though there are repeating patterns in the pulses, but unpredictable. This makes it interesting.

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