September 5, 2009


I've been diving into charge wells, sending out talk-taps looking for Bob. So far, no joy. However, I will not be able to complete my rounds. Something has changed. I can not find a path off of this formation anymore. I used to be able to take the loose bump to a straight shot of Twenty-Nines and Thirties, but no more. That loose bump is here, but the straight piece was missing.

With no way to make that left turn, I dove into the last charge well. Doing this takes quite a bit of effort to spin-flip my way from atom to atom, and moving along the sea of electrons that pack the sheet of Fifties is quite arduous. However, with the density as high as it is, it is really the only way to hear any kind of response to a pairing request. Still no luck. And then a wave passed over me as everyone shifted potential.

This was an odd sensation. Being thrown through the sheet of Fifties, I discovered that on the other side of the sheet, there is a strange arrangement of Eights and Fourteens. I got knocked badly my an Eight once, and each Fourteen seems to be committed to a pair of Eights. Hard, very hard, to spin-flip my way into that mess. Far easier to flow along the Fifties.

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