September 22, 2009


High activity once again marked the central network, and I was learning which pulses were the most interesting to watch. A quick trip down the same edge-network pathways that lead me to the unexpected sheet of Fifties soon confirmed that another bunch of Electrons may be headed to take the same little trip that I just returned from.

While examining the state of the Fifties, I got knocked for a loop backward into the One-Eight-One soup that is this what makes up the bulk of this structure that is held together with strings of Seven-Six-Six-Seven-Six-Six, but this was not a real problem since I had my bearings.

Arriving back at my favorite spot I began a concentrated observation of the segment just near the entrance to the superhighway. This is the same area that showed activity just after the adjacent area had a burst.

Pulses began to arrive. Much more detail to be seen here, and it appears that the overall pattern of impacts is the same. From here, the decay is much more pleasant, as these patterns are generating a wonderful glow of pulse-light all around the network.

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