September 2, 2009


First of all, it's packed in here. The best I can manage is to squeeze in, and spin-flip my way around the edge of these happy and easy clouds of electrons below. I can sense Twenty-Nines and a few Thirties. The going is straight and smooth, with some interesting orbital-bumps. It is as if there is a large flat plane in all directions, but it falls away just ever so slightly.

At these bumps, sometimes I can flow-off another straight path. It seems as though it is endless, but every once in a while, I can see patches of Eighty-Twos and Fifties. The going is tougher through that glop of electron fizzle, but there are enough Twenty-Nines mixed along the edges of these gloppy patches that I can flow freely. Spin-flip surfing along, this is beginning to be familiar. Following Bob's advice, I began to keep left.

Keeping left, and counting the big bumps, I've been able figure out that there are Seven big bumps connected by Six straight sections. In two of the sections, there is a loosely attached bump. If I did not have so much charge, I could squeeze in there. Alas, I'm pretty much stuck to the outside. Spin-flipping will only let me dive so far.

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