October 1, 2009


There is no way that this is the same central network. The pulses do not have the same kinds of shape as the other network, but the motion of the patterns is very similar, and there are photon detectors that feed this network as well, and they are functioning correctly, but the pulses are different, and they seem to go dark more often that I am accustomed to.

Making a quick circuit of key edge networks, I once again find four long branches, each of which branches again near the end, with long and short branch groups, as before. On the long branches near the end, I've managed to locate a familiar sheet of Seventy-Nines, in addition to a most interesting hoop of manly Seventy-Nines surrounding one of the smaller branches.

While traversing the hoop, and playing in the Seventy-Nines, I discovered four points of contact where the Seventy-Nines were in close contact with an impenetrable lattice of Sixes. Nothing but Sixes, as far as I can sense, and they are all locked together in a most peculiar and frozen way. While I find this very interesting, it seems to be rather boring due to the sameness of it all.

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