October 25, 2009


Explored the multi-ringed monster and counting up 876 Protons was easier than I thought. What is harder, is getting off this ride. I've managed to get out onto the odd branch, and out to the end, where the Eight-One and its neighbors are doing the repulsion thing. After a little spin-flip battle, I took-up residence orbiting the Eight and slipping around the One occasionally.

Being the first time I've had the opportunity to see an Eights up close, it appears that this one is a little bigger. While Neutrons are hard-er to count than Protons, you can do it if you get close enough. It seem that this particular eight is just a little odd, as there is one more Neutron down there than is common. If it is a problem, it might get interesting around here at any moment.

The view from the protruding One is much better. Even just that bonding distance is enough to clear the field so that I can scan the surrounding area, and perhaps find a friendly Eleven, Nineteen or Twenty. Considering that most everything I can discern is an Eight or smaller, something with twice the Protons of a Eight should be — Ding! — yes, within easy scanning distance.

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