October 31, 2009


When I had to make a choice between the nice endless loop of Twenty-Nines and Thirties, and that odd rod of mainly Twenty-Sixes, I will admit that the bigger atoms were much easier to ride. An occasional Twenty-Six is not a bother, but a whole conductor of them, well, that's another matter entirely.

Looking for a spot in a mess of Twenty-Sixes and the wannabe Twenty-Eight usually means bumping another Electron out of the way and taking it. You would not believe some of the taps that I've gotten in response to actions like that. I am learning to be more patient, but there are some Electrons that are just plain ornery.

I don't know if it's just me, or if there is something wrong with the Twenty-Nines. Anyplace there is not a Thirty within easy pull, the Twenty-Nines seem to by suffering from some kind of distortion in to their orbits. This is not the normal blorple that happens when we Electrons get a little to close in those odd outer orbits. This is vastly different. The tops and bottoms get bent to one side and then another, while the middle of the orbit is pretty much the same, but the bends change too.

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