October 2, 2009


After inspecting the sea of locked Sixes, I decided to float on the sheet of Seventy-Nines. Eerily familiar, I flipped my way through the Eight-Fourteen-Eight structure that now looked flimsy compared to the Sixes. Once again, I found myself on an interior sheet of Seventy-Nines, but this time, there were very few One-Eight-Ones in contact with the small sheet.

Without the One-Eight-Ones, there would be no Elevens nearby, so I had no choice but to flip back from whence I came. It was re-assuring locate the edge of the massive structure of mainly One-Eight-Ones and their intertwining sequences of Seven-Six-Six-Seven-Six-Six. I began to fiddle with the Elevens that were being left behind on the Seventy-Nine sheet.

It was during a back-flip orbit of a nearby Eleven that I got yanked into another network based contact. Once again, seeking the pathways that would lead me to the central network had become a standard procedure, almost as easy as pairing up in a p-shell. I was both pleased and disappointed at the same time. I had somehow found my way back to the original central network, but the thrill of newness was gone.

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