October 10, 2009


When I count small numbers, I just use a string of taps, like ... to talk about a Three, which I did see once, or three of something. For large numbers, I use a different tap, like !!! to mean that there are three Doublings, which would be ........ if I use regular taps. To get to some counts, like .........., I can tap out !!!.. instead, which takes less time.

People like to count too, but they do things differently. Using ten different taps, just one tap can mean anything from . to ......... and there is a special tap that makes . into a .......... when it comes afterward. Starting with the special tap, here are the shapes that the edge networks trace to represent the taps:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

And of course, there are compression patterns for these tap symbols, so that people can communicate with numbers:

Zero One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine

Getting beyond the One-Zero symbol, which has a totally different sound that I would expect, may take some time. Perhaps I can make use of this counting system. !!!. is a 9. Neat.

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