October 19, 2009


If anything, I've achieved a higher respect for the power of an Eight and the flexibility of a Six. While the Eight can grab tightly onto a neighbor, it can only maintain two stable linkages. A Six, on the other hand, maintains up to four links, and can even make double links with other Sixes and even an Eight. Of course, this is all that the Eight can do, but it's not going anywhere.

This has been learned since I am able to easily flip my way around this monster. The presence of the Eights and their extra power, make it possible to move easily, since they tend to pull other Electrons in, making slight positive charges for me to zoom toward and carom off of.

With the exception of the odd-Eight in the central ring of Sixes, this structure looks like it is a ring of Sixes, surrounded by a double, but twisted, ring of Eights that amplify the odd connection angle of the Sixes.

Outside the double ring of Eights are five nearly identical double-ring structures, that are themselves linked through a weakly bonded Six-Eight link-up. While these links are weaker than the double variety, they are still very strong, and allow the rest of the structure to twist and rotate as needed.

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