November 3, 2009


Now that I was free to roam without have to counteract the strange periodic forces, I began to keep vigil by keeping out on the edges away from the core of the structure. I was surprised to see passing paired Sevens, a reminder of long ago. This is where it will happen, if it is going to happen at all.

I was getting good at avoiding the Thirties when we were getting pushed around, and it remained a good idea. After being idle for so long, there was a terrific bend of the orbits that subsided quickly. Flipping back to the surface of the structure, I was surprised to sense a number of One-Eight-Ones in proximity, overshadowing the normal and nominal concentration of paired Sevens.

Then there was a friendly pull. Contact occurred, and there was a transfer of charge from the loop structure. Being up on the outside, I had the first shot a jumping over and lept. Good thing that I was up top. Had I been too deep, I may never have made it. The flow was slow and sparse, with none of the snap or force that I'd experienced in other, more rapid and voluminous transfers.

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