November 30, 2009


The concentration of Twenties in the nearby area was on the rise, so I headed back toward the business end of the chain to observe the action. Once again, I bumped up the sensitivity and began a detailed scan of the activity area and the surrounding shell of the monster. The synchronization of the exposed outer layer of Electrons on the monster made me think that all of the Electrons in the monster were orbiting together.

A Twenty arrived via the soup and locked in, and the pulse of the monster altered slightly in response. The change of pulse caused the entire chain to shift along it's length, almost rolling. This is one of the key forces that stresses the target Eight that is now moving slightly and into position. The flow of One-Eight-Ones was such that there was a very short wait before the monster shuddered.

This time, I caught the wave of Electrons that skipped from shell to shell during the shudder, creating a small void of charge where the background charge of the nearby nuclear Protons to act on the Twenty and drive it out of the socket. Passing the chain and slamming into the positioned One-Eight-One, the Twenty did the same jobs as before. A pair of ringlets were separated from the chain and swept away in the One-Eight-One soup.

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