November 19, 2009


Discovering a massive pile of mega-molecules with elevated agitation, was interesting. Using the scanning technique and blipping back and forth between the megas and the contact patch with the long branch-point, it became clear that this multi-pointed wand was once again, in motion. Deliberate motion.

Not fast and wobbly as some motion had been, this was much more fluid and smooth. Zipping along the wand of Forty-Sevens, I began to detect the approach of a large number of electrons, near the pile of mega-molecules. In not much longer, the pile was impacted and wiped free of the points and shafts of the wand.

Replacing the mega-molecules, was contact with a familiar kind of molecular web, but it was strangely coated with One-Eight-Ones, assorted Elevens and Seventeens, and a high frequency of identically massive structures composed of Seven-Six-Six-Seven-Six-Six repeating chains. Of all such monsters, these are somewhat smaller that what I remember, and appear simpler. Either that, or I am beginning to get better at this. Nope. That could not possibly be the case.

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