November 12, 2009


I spent the next several activity cycles engaged in study. A number of people, though fewer than at the party, were present. In contrast to the party, however, the engagements of conversation were much longer and occurred during an activity in which wonderful conductive wands composed of slippery Forty-Sevens with a few Twenty-Nines here and there to keep things from drooping.

Forty-Sevens are the so much slicker than Fifties, that it pains me when such a common wands composed mainly of Fifties, with a smattering of Fifty-Ones, some Twenty-Nines, and on rare occasions, some Eighty-Twos or Eighty-Threes. There are so few of those larger atoms, it becomes difficult to just feel the difference.

Still, for whatever reason, the Forty-Sevens are out and available for play. With so many people and conversation, it seems that Ben always has one of these wonderful wands resting comfortably across the flexible portions of an upper long branch point. I must be careful, as in an instant was a brief disconnect, and I had to wait patiently for contact so that I did not get left behind.

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