November 4, 2009


Getting pulled off the structure of Twenty-Nines and Thirties was a a welcome change. It took very little time to realize that I had been transferred to a fully animated structure bounded by the familiar Seven-Six-Six-Seven-Six-Six chains and their impossibly large structures. Scanning for Elevens, almost by instinct, I was successful, and spun in that direction.

Things looked very familiar, yet different. It had been quite some time since I had observed operating transport pathways and networks, as the ones that were near that 876 Proton monster were dormant and deformed. What was to the left was now to the right and vice-versa. Regardless, I queued myself for a ride on the transport network.

It was not a period of high activity, and the wait to climb aboard the transmission area in the waiting room of the Elevens was much longer that I remember. After a time, I rocketed down the pathway and popped up inside a central network that was slowing down and preparing for an inactive period. Not to be unwelcome, an inactive period would give me a chance catch my bearings and figure out what kind of person I had managed to climb aboard.

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