November 2, 2009


It did not take too many circuits before I knew where the Thirties were, and could push my trajectory to just miss their disruptive influence. While they did not stop electrons from being liberated by this odd bending phenomenon, the Thirties certainly gave enticable Electrons much less reason to jump in and go with the flow.

Once the obvious bumps in the path were handled, analysis of the envelope became much easier. Most of the time, the envelope was the same, but the amplitude would change once in a while. While the amplitude would differ, the timing was very consistent for most excursions, with changes in amplitude and timing happening together.

When I started this, the frequency of each bending event was fairly consistent. While the events did not happen continuously, when they did happen, they were consistent. Now, when they occur, the pace is off and slower. The slower the pace, the lower the amplitude. Things have gotten quiet. Too quiet. Perhaps I should keep alert and be aware. I've seen this pattern before, but not while in a place such as this.

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