November 5, 2009


Inactivity is a bit of a misnomer, since it is during this period of time that the central networks of people do most of the work that keeps the network clear and focused. Only the photon detectors are truly inactive, and even then, they are still responsive to stimulus. In between brief but light bursts from the photon detectors, the central network continued to process and replay.

The familiarity of the patters was reassuring, as I had invaded a highly organized network, and perhaps one that I had already experienced. It was not too long ago that I was dislodged into an odyssey of inactive structures and that monster of a molecule. While interesting, the experience is incomparable to the excitement of hanging out here in a central network, and cracking the pulse-codes that flicker by.

The photon detectors popped to life and things began to operate in a controlled manner. In a short time, it was very clear that this was indeed, the same organized network that I had left some time ago, just to explore. I had no clue how difficult it would be to find my way back. I'm definitely going to be more careful, when out on the edge networks and outer interface.

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