June 4, 2010

Profiling with Purpose

I began scanning for the new interloper. This double 5+6 ring with four Sevens was rather interesting, especially under a detailed scan. I confirmed the presence of three canopy drive-nodes, each composed of a Six hanging from a Seven with three Ones hanging from the Six. The fact that the double-ring structure substituted for a single Seven was reason enough for the extra Sevens, just to preserve the function of drive node.

I traded my Seven-based observations and scan data with the pairs who were happy to provide their data from the Eight perspective. As a test, we cycled each of the member Electrons up through the Seven, so that they could confirm their new information and make the appropriate linkages between the Seven and Eight based observations, and calibrate their detection and processing techniques.

With the adjustments complete, I hopped down to the Eights and we all worked on a rapid scan technique. Here, we had to borrow pieces from the Shorty pattern, namely the Eight=Six piece of the spectrum, and combined that with the drive-node signature from the canopy. There was a chuckle from the pairs because they noticed that there was a drive node between the Eights, making mesh travel a bump and grind affair, and that lead to the signature we were looking for.

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