June 8, 2010

Extended Detector Operation

If it were not for the case that the pairs were unaware, my embarrassment would have been clearly visible. Recalling my past experiences, I had expected to encounter the wondrous completely random patterns that flitter across the network and produce the wonderful interactions that I so enjoyed. The pattern was clear:

The photon detector levels drop.

Patterns of pleasure and a reduction in activity.

The photon detectors shut down.

... after a while, the strange, wonderful and unexpected happen.

Instead, we found ourselves counting smashed canopy interlopers as they block a growing concentration of bubbly triple-rings, and the patterns are starting to become predictable and repetitive. Output from the photon detectors is flickering and moderately higher than before, but there was something missing in the upper end of the received frequencies. Until now, this absence had always portended the random exploration session, and as I pondered the situation, the key frequency began to appear in the stream once again.

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