June 18, 2010

Evidence of Effect

It was clear to me that the central network was about to switch modes, becoming highly active once again. The pairs had been working on different angles of attack when they received and acknowledged my return-to-base tap broadcast. As our communication taps echoed in our spins, I scanned to ensure that our conversation was not disturbing the normal network patterns.

No effect was observed as I continued to bring the pairs back to the main observation point. The high frequency note from the photon detectors was approaching a critical threshold, and I focused the our attention on the compression/relaxation inputs and output. The assignment was to monitor the first activities as the network fully shifted to the active and driven state.

As the shift of states occurred, we dutifully monitored and recorded all that we could and began the task of decoding the take. The pairs filled in what they could, and I used the old entries in my library to help fill in the gaps. We were able to piece this together before we were overwhelmed by the bandwidth:

...spilled the type tray. Started one at a time, picking up and sorting. Then picked up two pieces and repeated. Every time I looked, the letters were right side up on every piece. Then three at a time, and still, all three letters were upright every time. Weird dream.

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