June 17, 2010

Discombobulated Impact

The pairs began to inject triple and quadruple talk symbol groups into the resolution section of the central network. While they were enjoying a moderate degree of success with the longer groups, I scanned the background regions for network state cues. The photon detectors would not remain dormant forever, and I was already seeing an increase in the baseline output, especially that note at the upper end of the frequency domain.

Surprising the pairs, there was a burst of activity from the photon detectors, and the interrogation patterns that the pairs injected were released fully into the network. The patterns ran forward toward the compression/relaxation output controls, and after a short period, an echo was observed on the inputs:

Xyp Zol Faw-huhmph

The photon detectors were fully active, but the signal levels were quite low, and the interruptions were long and slowly paced. After no more than about five doublings of interruptions, the detectors returned to their dormant state, even though the intensity of the high frequency note was increasing.

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