June 9, 2010

Concentration and Focus

Once in a while, and unresolved pattern washed into the zone below us, but for the most part, the patterns that were operating were fully resolved and repeating. A small area of pattern recall was feeding most of the activity, with a fair portion being used to direct the long branch points. While I knew that wands could be manipulated, and recognized the similarity of the pattern, there was something more happening here.

The photon detectors continued to operate, with the overall signal level increasing over time. The majority of the feedback to the edge networks and the manipulation signals was being driven by processed photon impulses. Tracking the process cycle, it became clear that the same network centers checked processed compression-relaxation inputs and directed corresponding outputs.

This, I believed, was an important aspect to the intelligence harbored in the central network. The process cycle that I had been observing was not a single-purpose event. From all that I could gather, there were multiple mechanisms of input and output that were routed through this pattern processing subsystem. There was more magic to be had, and I already had some inkling of what happens in this modular network center that was responsible for correlation of input patterns, references and outputs.

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