August 24, 2009


Even though opposites attract and likes repel, there are times when more can be done when you partner-up with another electron. Now that I've found myself in the p-shell, I've got more partner possibilities than the single colleague that I shared the s-shell with. Curious, there's allot of room here, and it just so happens that we are defiantly bonded with another Seven.

Working with a partner on the other Seven, we swapped ends of our Double-Seven. I counted, a total of Fourteen attractive Protons tugging on my quanta, and just as many Neutrons. A big blast might knock this bonding apart, and I wonder what would happen if the balance was disrupted. There are times when I've felt like there is some extra space on the side I am on.

It is odd, however, that the Protons down there don't just fly away from each other. Maybe the Neutrons know the answer.

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