August 30, 2009

First Left

You call that an Orbit? It's nowhere close, with all the swapping and reversals I see. I'm still in the massive cloud, but now, we're all sliding along the outer shells of this very strange multi-atom structure. I'm trying to count proton pulls, and it is something like 30 or so, but I can't quite be sure.

Looks like things are slowing down even more. It's getting packed tighter and tighter. I've not seen other electrons up close like this. Below, lower orbits are expanding and I can see the nuclei down there. Funny how small the Protons look from up here. They are jiggling a bit, but nothing like the Seven did when things got really hot in that plasma.

Whoa! What's this? It's huge - large and slow. What was that Bob said, stay Left? If I push a little here, there, I can aim for the middle of these two huge balls of electrons. I feel Protons. Ten, Twenty, Forty, Eighty. An incredible Eighty-Two tugs on each side.

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