August 27, 2009


I've never seen a Proton so agitated. The Neutrons weren't happy either, and this was bad. The entire nucleus was expanding and our shell was stretching thinner as we began to experience some very interesting sensations. The pull of the nucleus waned and then there was nothing.

I watched as the nucleus continued to swell. It looked like the captured electrons were now swapping back and fourth between protons and neutrons. Although they never moved, it looked more like the protons were flowing backward around the nucleus. Blinking along, it was as if Protons and Neutrons could act both ways at the same instant.

More electrons were nearby and it looked like they were standing still. Without a nearby nucleus and those pesky Protons, I was free to stream in response to other less fatal attractive forces. Pairing effects were prevalent, but useless. Nobody responded. There was nowhere to go, but with the flow.

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