October 14, 2010

Calming the Storm

It was a strange calm under which the central network was operating. I was no longer able to easily detect the presence of other central networks by accessing the whorlic frequencies, unless I headed out toward the fringes and managed my way past the reprocessing and reclamation zone. To monitor the deluge, external pingers were pushed through the reprocessing zone and then retrieved with their cache of information that was then relayed from the inside.

The full-duplex event on the compression-relaxation channel wound down to a final silence, during which I scanned the whorlic frequencies for penetration. Detectable at just above the noise threshold, a light twinkling was located, and it remained at a stable and low level. No further disruptions to random time were likely to occur with such shielding in pace.

As propulsion commands were considered and finally queued for execution, I continued to monitor the strength of the shield and the interference level. All was working as before, the extra energy from the interference being re-directed to fortification kept the resulting interference in check, clipping off any burst. The whorl reacted to the reclaimed energy by actively clamping the burst as it intersected the enhanced whorl.

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