March 3, 2010


Tension in the meshwork increased and outer orbits on some of the Sixes were beginning to bend. The canopy team was racing toward the meshwork, accelerating, canopy first this time. I was concerned about being centered in the impact zone, and flipped to get as close to the middle as I kept tracking the team's progress. While there were other canopies in the region, only the team was heading in.

As the team approached, the swingshot waveform washed upon the Electrons in the meshwork, myself included. Responding with slight orbit shifts, the local Electrons took up a pattern that welcomed the intruder by reducing the repulsion factor. It is difficult to push on another Electron when you've got a massive positively charged nucleus between the two of you.

Forces increased and the meshwork was abuzz with activity as Electrons scurried our of the way and matched synchronization with the waveform from the canopy. The swingshot rate continued to increase, accelerating up until contact and even a bit afterward, burying deeply into the flexing meshwork. It was all the strain that I needed to break the orbit that I had chosen. With a quick flip and a reverse, I snapped free at the moment I squared up on an Eleven.

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