March 29, 2010

Mode Glitch

Having reached the boundary between the meshwork and the outer soup of One-Eight-Ones caused no end of confusion for my new lighter Shorty. Rather than detach and float free in the soup, I kept the cloud interested in the sea of Ones that we were still glombing to. Moving along the outer edge of the meshwork was revealing.

The affinity that the neutralized Shorty has for the meshwork allowed the cloud and I to slide the Shorty around the outside, as the One-Eight-Ones were generally repulsed by the meshwork. While it may have been possible to explore the entire meshwork, the number of divots, traps and inlets that have to be avoided make the task more than unusually arduous.

I kept scanning the soup to locate a good transfer point. As vast and large as the meshwork is, there were no shortage to places to exit into the soup. As I tried to direct a transfer, it proved to be tougher than the consideration that I had given the maneuver. Sensing a learning experience, I worked to flip the mode of the Shorty by trying for a pickup of a One by the Seven and a drop of the One held by the Eights. It was going to take some work.

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