February 12, 2010

Catch Landing

The pull of the Twenties dropped off as expected, but left me with more velocity than I would have liked. The momentary charges were starting to rattle and chatter my travels, but I was able to compensate by tinkering with my spin-plane. There were three canopied targets ahead, and I really liked the way that the second one was oriented.

I pushed a lateral component into my spin plane, making the entire spin, itself, spin. This set up a harmonic push against the first of the canopied targets to transfer energy from motion into the target as I passed. The transfer slowed me so I was less likely to blast through the second target. My path clear ahead, I confirmed my target and contact point, aimed just inside one of the Sixes of the canopy.

On approach, I caught the edge, beginning a large arc around the central Seven. Spin-flipping madly, I used each bump and tug to adjust my path and speed. Final adjustments complete, I relaxed as I approached the Six that was peeking out from behind the Seven. Donating Electrons to the attached Ones, the Protons in the Six were engaging me as I slipped into the cloud of the molecule itself.

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