September 25, 2010

Out the Door

As I was pondering the lack of response from the double bubble, propulsion and transfer sequences were queued by the central network. As the patterns played across the network, a number of sensations were recorded as the coverings were improved and augmented. What followed was a familiar manipulation pattern queued for the long branch points. As this command was processed, the thermal reaction sensors registered a drop in energy transfer.

Photon levels were lower than nominal, but far above nonexistent. A brief propulsion sequence was followed by a return to a relaxed position as a minute orbital distortion was observed. Motion was occurring, yet there were no propulsion pulses. The artifacts showed that the motion was far quicker than that produced by personal propulsion. Noise from the transportation process was also observed and coordinated with the data flowing from the compression-relaxation input sensors.

My orbit returned to it's normal bumpy path, without the tilt that was caused by movement. An exchange of pleasant tokens consumed the compression-relaxation channel as a brief retrieval and transfer event was queued and executed. It was a small object, but it did contain an absurdly high concentration of Forty-Sevens for something with little direct utility. At completion, the unmistakable wavefront of pleasure was reported by the external monitors.

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