April 24, 2010

Forceful Pause

I was coping with the deluge for quite a while, finding my Shorty inadequate to the task of station keeping in the flow, I began cutting across the flow as best I could. Approaching an unexpanded meshwork and taking advantage of the flow, I rotated the Shorty to land on the Eights and headed for the Seven once again to keep things straight and normal to the meshwork.
Locking on and making the partial mode switch into sliding mode, I was able to power along against the flow, and scan the opposite side between the One-Eight-Ones that were moving swiftly. That's when I started to feel the bend. The Seven was being tugged at by the Ones and I was working to maintain the vertical orientation, lest I slip and drop into full mesh mode.

Working the subtleties of the synchro drive, I kept from loosing all scanning ability by keeping the Seven end free of the meshwork. The force paused and I relaxed to prevent drift, and the direction reversed at the same time as waves of Electron pulses washed through the region. The result of these pulses was a huge displacement as the forces accelerated briefly and then stopped. Even the flow of One-Eight-Ones paused, missing a pulse or two.

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