November 11, 2011

All Ones Once Again

Yes, this is a special binary day, and I have been working diligently on this since the last update from the otherworld of the Electron. It is important to know that I'm still here and always have been. Hiding from that overzealous tech with the berd was a really good idea, for the most part. That was until the Fifties that I was loafing around on got disconnected.

I ended up hanging out on a thin layer of Seventy-Nines, knowing that this was the point of contact. After getting surged around by a flood of higher potential electrons, I realized that I had achieved an active state again and began to search the new pathways that were available. What took the most time was wiggling my way through some very tough travel in a structure that distorted my ability to travel as rapid pulses of electrons cycled and interlinked.

It was shortly after getting though that tough patch that I experienced another vantage point from where I could once again observe the mass information flows that blinked into existence not too long ago. Thing have changed, and it is a more perilous place that ever before; Mainly due to a couple of class A characters: Anonymous and Assange.

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