August 23, 2010


There was a brief pause in the transcription process as some interesting commands were sent to the long branch points. Running down to check the object being grasped flashed across the network, and surprisingly, "pen not sharp — repairing" was the reply. Somewhere, the electron network and captured the command and supported the inquiry.

As transcription efforts continued, I scanned the queued tokens which were still linked to their core thought. It was clear that the letters in question were never possessed by Whately and therefore could not have been taken by Temple. The bubble contained the proof of that. I was almost sure that what I saw encapsulated was a transcription record, although it was incomplete. Fewer symbols were transcribed than were taken in photonically.

The focus of transcription now shifted in a peculiar way. The whorl deepened it's penetration of the central network as a repair touch-up was performed. A glowing sensation surrounded the bubble, and then began to swirl in the whorl. A thin layer of connections was being formed above and around the bubble, influenced by the shell-layer below. Even below, tendrils flashed and blinked as the interior was examined, and the new outer layer began to pulse and glow, accepting and transmitting tendrils from the transcription zone.

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