December 18, 2009


It became clear that there was containment mesh in all directions. Most were like the one that I penetrated with the help of the leading Elevens, but there were to others, basically fore and aft, that were slightly different. While these other mesh-works, circular in shape, did not make contact with the jar-like outer mesh, they were strangely shaped indeed.

The middle of this mesh was inset and scanned like it was on the inside and not the outside, leading to my initial confusion. The circular shape looked like a massive ringlet, composed of more atoms than I could count easily. Regardless, they were of nearly the same standard order and ratio of Sixes, Sevens, Eights and Ones as other mesh containment networks.

I worked my way along the large circumference of the mesh-work-monster. Doing so, I could not ignore the ripple and wave effects that were common. It was easy to imagine an internal environment of One-Eight-Ones wanting nothing more than to burst freely forth, but the containment mesh held. Scanning through the mesh, in deep sweep mode, revealed paired Eights in high concentrations and more mesh beyond. Yes, this was an outside, and the slow flow of One-Eight-Ones did have a slim path around this dimpled package.

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