December 11, 2009


I scanned the Eight-One protrusions on my own ringlet to see if they had the necessary pull to cause Ones to pop-and-swap. I was amazed that I did not notice before, but yes, they swapped. I tinkered with the spin of the Electrons on one of the Eight-One protrusions and enhanced the pop-and-swap activity.

Working my way from Eight to Eight and twiddling the spin, the ringlet became much more responsive. Swapping Ones was much faster than bumping between them. I chased down a ringlet that had a Fifteen making the elevated Six look small. I ran after a few other ringlets that had not been modified, and passed them easily, only to find a monster directly in my path.

I disengaged the swap drive to make more time to maneuver past the monster and get a look at what it might do. On approach, scans revealed an attractive site that resonated with the rest of my ringlet. In a flash, I slipped to one side and spun the Electrons on two of the Eights to begin swapping with the One-Eight-Ones. Once I had the leading Eight in the ring pointed away from the monster, I hit the Eights on the other side to begin full swap mode, jumping forward and away from the mouth of the monster.

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