October 4, 2009

Pea Pull

Like talk-taps, it appears that these networks communicate with one another, and part of it is done through all of that compression-relaxation input and output that I've been so intrigued with of late. The one that I am observing is communicating with another, and the, like Bob, the other has a name. It begins with "Deb" and is longer than Bob, but I don't really need it all.

Oddly, at one point the communication stopped, and there was contact between the two at the edges, very close to the networks. As the contact occurred, I felt a tug and decided to check things out, grabbing a nearby Eleven to begin my ride. Yes, the two edges were pressed in contact. No real communication, or flow here, but it's quick enough to hop over and check this other network.

Whoa! Bang, Pop, Bang, Pop, Bang, Bang, this is Deb? This is so much different over here. Contact ceased, folowed by small output of "Beny!" before contact resumed in the same region. Seeing the chance, back over I headed. I just hope contact stays long enough to get across.

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